" Literature reviews and research service for dissertations. "
Our specialized and experienced writers compose a variety of model papers including custom essays, college term papers, research papers, book reports, MBA essays, executive summaries, dissertations, PhD theses, and research proposals for college and university students at any level. In addition, we offer editing, proofreading, tutoring, and researching services, even for those students who must meet the most exacting academic standards. By serving as excellent examples, our unique writing and research products help our clients compose their own papers and become more successful in their academic and professional careers.
ORDER your college / university assignment (our response time is typically less than 60 minutes).
Money Back Guarantee: We hold our writers to a high standard, so you can feel confident in their academic research, tutoring, writing, and editing. We carefully review each request, so we can communicate with you about the requirements. If for some reason it is not possible to fulfill all your requirements, we will refund your money and honestly tell you exactly what we can or cannot do.
Some restrictions may apply. Check our Terms and Conditions and read the below Disclaimer for further details. We don't condone plagiarism.
Who are you and how can you help me? We are a dedicated and experienced team of carefully selected academic writers, researchers, proofreaders, and editors who were born and reside in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. Our company is a business member registered in the state of Florida, USA. Be assured our friendly and knowledgeable staff will provide you with immediate, top-quality, and US-based customer support. All responses are personalized to the needs of the student; CustomPapers sales representatives are current or former academic professionals.
What is the procedure? You can communicate directly with your dedicated, experienced writer to make sure your custom paper or college essay meets your requirements. This way, it is easy for you to keep track of the status of your project even if your deadline is far away. We are with you through every step of the writing process; our example essay writing and research service is the best because we ask you what you really need. While others promise, we perform and assist you with your writing needs!
Do you use previously written or published sample essays and term papers? No - we have zero tolerance for the use of pre-written works without proper citation. In fact, it is easier for us to custom write an example term paper or essay from scratch as we have constant access to numerous, relevant, and updated sources (both print and electronic). CustomPapers.com's writers always read the required material before composing your example essay or term paper. When it comes to writing customized college essays, our rule is simple: if your writer doesn't have the necessary resources or enough time to write a coherent and quality term paper, we will not accept the assignment. We have worked very hard to earn the excellent reputation we possess, and we would never jeopardize it.
What is your privacy policy? All information that you supply us with when you order a paper from us - including your name, E-mail address, or writing samples - will remain strictly confidential. We do not make available any information that you send, fax, or upload available to anyone else (unless you violate one of the rules described in the Terms of Service or Disclaimer). Finally, we will never call you unless you request us to do so and give us your phone number. The CustomPapers.com team is trustworthy!
How much will your services cost me? We are not the cheapest, but we are truly the best online custom essay and term paper writing service available (according to independent studies, our prices are average by comparison to other essay writing websites and represent the best combination of price and top academic quality). We first need to evaluate your assignment instructions according to required writing skills, knowledge, sources, and time spent on research. Our promise to you is that we will go that extra mile to get the job done right!
$X.xx is too much for my budget... We understand budgets! However, please consider the following. While we are more expensive than some other places (although we are cheaper than others), our higher quality makes it worthwhile. Here are some of the ways we ensure high quality:
We cannot count the times students have sought our academic writing and research services only because they have already spent a lot of money on another service and been handed an unacceptable product -- with absolutely no recourse whatsoever. The bottom line is that you get what you pay for.
If I have more questions, can I call you before I buy a paper? Yes! Feel free to call us at (800) 564-5428 or (312) 261-9960.
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Can I contact you by phone, fax, or email 24 hours a day? (*) | YES | No |
Are all your writers carefully selected and based in the US, Canada, Australia, or the UK only? | YES | No |
Do your writers review project requirements before they accept the order? | YES | No |
Do you provide custom editing, proofreading, copywriting, and researching services? | YES | No |
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Are you proud to have the highest percentage (over 80%) of returning clients? | YES | No |
Do you set the highest quality standards in the custom essay writing business? | YES | No |
Is your company accredited and have an excellent record with a business association? | YES | No |
Have your prices risen in years (despite growing demand for your services)? | NO | Yes |
Do you take assignments you won't be able to complete on time? | NO | Yes |
Do you always call your customers or require them to provide you with their personal information? | NO | Yes |
Do you ever store or use pre-written essays or term papers? | NO | Yes |
Do you ever resell your custom written papers to other students? | NO | Yes |
Do you use AI / ChatGPT to generate text? | NO | Yes |
Do you charge for delivery of the completed project? | NO | Yes |
Do you condone plagiarism in any shape or form? | NO | No |
Will I get into trouble if I try to commit academic fraud? | YES | Yes |
Cater to your particular citation and structural requirements.
Divine intervention when the words just won't flow. Paragraph by paragraph, we build academic success! |
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(*) Volume may dictate that we are unable to respond within minutes. Rest assured we take your concerns very seriously and will respond as soon as possible, though sometimes it may take an hour or two.
Check out our latest educational research essay: Concise Guide to Essay Conclusions.
Disclaimer: Our editing services, tutoring services, and model essays are designed as a guidance tool to assist students in preparation of their own original research. It is the sole responsibility of our clients to not only complete their own work, but also to cite CustomPapers as a source when they use our documents as a reference. Students are prohibited from turning in all or parts of the example projects as their own and they are not granted copyright to the work. If you have any doubts about what constitutes plagiarism, academic fraud, or a violation of the honor code, you must consult your academic institution before ordering the service.
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