When done freely, creative writing can be an extremely enjoyable experience, allowing a writer to exercise his mind and explore an endless variety of subjects. However, when done for a grade, many students find creative custom writing to be anything but fun, and consider it to be more like an endless source of frustration. Whichever category you happen to find yourself in, by following the tips provided within this article you will be able to produce creative writing that you are proud of and have a much easier time doing it.
Pick Your Spot
Most successful creative fiction writers state that they write in the same type of environment virtually every time they write. It is up to you to decide which type of environment best suits you. For example, J. K. Rowling, writer of the world famous Harry Potter books, reportedly wrote each and every day at the same coffee shop. This type of open environment worked best for her, but you may find that you write better when completely isolated from the outside world. Then again, you may find the words flow best when you find a nice spot in the great outdoors. Find the type of environment that works best for you, and by simply placing yourself into such an environment you will find that the creative wheels will automatically start rolling.
Carry a Notebook
Inspiration is a funny thing, and it likes to strike at odd times. Although I recommend you pick your favorite spot to do your writing or research, some of your best ideas will likely come when you aren't anywhere near that spot. It could happen while riding on the bus or subway, or while visiting your grandmother's house. For this reason, it is important to carry a notebook, pad, or even a hand-held recorder to capture these ideas immediately after they spring forth. It is vital to capture your ideas as quickly as possible, because the longer you wait the more likely they are to disappear forever.
Get to Know Your Subject
Surprisingly enough, a great many fiction writers fail to research the subject of their creative writing before beginning to write. This leads to writing that doesn't seem genuine and can often be more distracting than enjoyable to the reader. Even though creative custom writing is fiction, readers generally want as much realism to their fiction as possible if it involves real world subjects. Tom Clancy's novels are so popular because he takes the time to research and learn as much as possible about military weapons and technology. Because he is so well educated on the subjects he writes, his stories seem so real that his readers are easily drawn in and lose themselves in his books.
Read, Read, Read! Then Read Some More...
Some fledgling creative writers often argue that they do not have the time to read creative writing because they are too busy attempting to improve their own writing. However, this argument involves faulty logic. Such habits are not at all conducive to becoming a better creative writer. One of the best ways to improve your own creative writing is by reading the creative writing produced by other writers! Pick a successful writer from whatever genre you write in - romance, action, fantasy, etc. - and take the time to read his or her work. You will find yourself learning a great deal about how to successfully express your ideas, and reading excellent fiction often inspires writers to create fantastic fiction of their own!
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