Hello Stefan. How are you today?
Stefan: Good afternoon Custom Papers.com. I'm doing fine, thanks.
How long have you been using Custom Papers?
I started using the site when I realized I'd need a superior letter to get into the graduate program of my choice. Through the custom writing site I was able to get a great admissions letter that set me apart from the crowd. I remember specifically a faculty member commenting that the reason I got into the program was because of the letter. I received my degree in English and so have a million other people it seems like. So I just wanted to make sure that my application and the letter would catch the eyes of the admissions committee.
But you continued with the service?
And after I was accepted into the program I found I needed the support to finish the program in four years. See most P.h.D candidates plan to spend seven years between the Master's Thesis and the dissertation. This happens because the papers that the candidates present are usually substandard and need to be perfected for publication. Everyone needs someone to proof their papers and most editing services are an arm and a leg. My document was large and I was on a graduate student budget. I needed a service that could provide a quality and custom product and was reasonable. So I decided to revisit Custom Papers (I mostly focused on the custom dissertation web page).
But you are a writing major, so why would you need Custom Papers?
Initially, I only planned to use the site for help with my admissions statement. However, when I first defended my Master's Thesis I realized that my paper was filled with holes. In college, they teach you the basics of composition but not argumentation and that's what my paper required - an expert in argumentation. I needed a totally custom written paper that fully squelched any questions that my committee had about my topic. I went back to the site, gave them the topic and my own research, and they were able to give me a research paper that could hold up to a defense. The second time I not only felt more confident but the committee really didn't have too many questions about my paper. That was two years ago - This semester I "wrote" my dissertation :) and will finish my doctorate in the summer. They helped me properly cite, document, and thoroughly edit my paper. The end product was more than I could have ever produced on my own. I am already interviewing for positions all over the state. I am also starting my writing career.
So you will be the professor who had his papers written for him?
Ha! Ha! Yes, but I earned my college degree. College is a process and sometimes you have to manipulate the process to get things done. In academia, you always want to appear knowledgeable and approaching faculty members for help is not really an option. It is sad but graduate school is extremely competitive, and many students and faculty members are pretentious. I probably would have spent years finishing that degree without Custom Papers - and believe me - I know people who have spent years finishing a doctorate in English. But I have the knowledge and that's all that matters. I didn't want to spend ten years trying to answer nonsensical questions by people who, for the most part, haven't entirely figured it out themselves. It was a means to an end. I might even encourage my own students to use the site.
You're kidding...
Sure! Why not? Look, I learned a lot from using the site. I was in a Ph.D program when I learned new techniques for citing and using sources within my own papers. Likewise, I think Custom Papers would be an excellent source for students who need help with formulating a thesis statement, organizing ideas, supporting your thesis statement, correcting run-ons, fragments or any other writing maladies that plague many undergraduate papers. Having gone through the whole process, for me, clear ideas that are expressed well are more important than having to read a paper filled with errors and inconsistencies. So if that means them getting a little outside help, no problem. A lot of students have tutors, and I don't see why this is any different.
Do you plan to use the site after you graduate?
I have several manuscripts that need to be proofread, and I am currently writing a book of short stories that I will need prepared for publication. This site will always be a part of my future, and I have even recommended the site to other people who are struggling to get through with their final defense.
O.K, well thanks for discussing your experience with Custom Papers.
Oh, it was a pleasure and thanks to everyone at the site who helped me gaining my doctorate :). Thanks again!
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