You can't tear your eyes away from the clock that is slowly ticking by; somehow, you are mesmerized by it. You notice that a light bulb needs to be changed, that the wall is two shades of white, that you need to vacuum and that you absolutely must read the new edition of Mademoiselle. You are procrastinating, and quite badly at that. That is precisely what people do when they are stressed out. With an eight-page paper due tomorrow, what else would you be? And for dessert, you haven't even begun the research. This scenario, however unfortunate, has been experienced by almost every student. So, it's definitely not just you. Other students have persevered and made it through the night and so will you. All you need to know about researching a paper quickly and effectively is contained in this article. First, this paper goes over preliminary decision-making tips that will help you get started. Then, the paper goes right to the point and discusses how to make the most of your sources. Finally, the paper wraps it up by discussing how you can custom-write an essay or term paper without ever reading the entire book.
First things first. If you haven't decided on a paper topic do it now. And quickly. Now is not the time to think deeply about the unanswered questions in your mind or to plumb the depths of your soul to find a meaningful topic. This will only confuse you and waste precious time. You will write other papers, papers that have meaning, and thus have other opportunities to express your profundity. By acting quickly, however, you will still have the opportunity to shine and impress your professors with your great research skills. For an eight-page paper, choose a topic that is fairly narrow. Remember, it is always easier to expand upon an idea than to condense it. Other quick tips for the most common G.E. classes, English and history, are discussed as follows: for a paper due in an English class, try to avoid reading a novel. This will take too much time. Instead, opt to read three to four short stories. This is much easier and takes less time. Added to that, reading a few short stories also gives you a good idea of the range and breadth of an author's work needed to write a substantial analytical essay. For a paper due in a history class, try to choose a paper topic on the "Why" and "How" aspects of a subject. Writing about motive is an easy and fun way to get through a research paper. Afterall, anything is possible, isn't it? Writing about how an event occurs, for those not inclined to use their imagination, is another easy and quick method to write a custom paper or essay under time constraints. This aspect of a subject is often very straightforward and most books will list important facts chronologically or by theme. With these tips in mind, you are ready to start researching.
For procrastinators, the words "Table of Contents" and "Index" are holy. A quick glance at these two parts of the books will give you a pretty good idea about what the book is all about and will help you locate specific facts quickly and precisely. Take a few minutes to read the table of contents thoroughly and think about the meaning of the title of each chapter. Then, write a list or make a mental note of what you would like to include in your paper and get right to the index. The index is a great, yet often ignored, resource. By using the index, you can locate the information you need. After you locate the information in the book; skim the page briefly, paying attention to the first and last sentence of every paragraph. The table of contents and index are invaluable resources. Learn how to use them to your benefit.
If you still feel like you need more information after applying the above advice, read this paragraph. You don't need to read the entire book. You just need to know how to locate information. Academic writers, like most professionals, follow particular protocols, especially when it comes to writing. That means they apply most of all the rules that you have ever learned about writing and researching. Specifically, that means that they introduce their thesis in their introduction, introduce the topic of the sentence in the first sentence of a paragraph, and wrap up their ideas in their conclusion. Take the time to carefully read the introduction and conclusion. In the introduction, the writer will not only state his/her thesis but also give an overview of what's inside of the book, organized chapter by chapter. All you need to know about the book is written in the introduction. Then, flip to the back of the book and read the conclusion. In the conclusion, the writer will restate his/her thesis statement and quickly sum up how he/she proved it. It is also normally the time that the writer will also briefly go over the implications of his/her research. If you are still not satisfied, go to the relevant chapters and read the first and last paragraph. Still not enough? Then quickly skim through significant chapters of the book by reading only the first and last sentence of each paragraph.
If you have read this entire essay, you will have picked up some helpful pointers on how to research a paper quickly and effectively without ever reading the entire book. Hopefully, this information will guide you through the inevitable all-nighters that most students will, at some point during their academic careers, have to endure. This paper has gone over preliminary decision-making, how to make the most of your sources and how to write a good book report without ever reading the entire book. With this information in hand, you can research a good paper that reflects the effort, not the amount of time, that you put into, it.
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