A Guideline for Preparing Ph.D. Thesis and Dissertation Proposals


Many consider writing the dissertation proposal to be the hardest part of the entire dissertation process. The student must have a firm grasp on the proposal topic, must put in countless hours performing a literature review, come up with his or her own view of that particular topic, and then submit the results in writing. A difficult task, to say the least. However, these guidelines provide prospective proposal writers with the necessary information to make this job a bit easier.

I. Dissertation or PhD Thesis Proposal Length

There are varying ideas about how long or how short a dissertation proposal should be. However, if all of the important parts of the proposal are addressed during its preparation the proposal will generally end up being around 20 pages. It is okay if the custom-written proposal is a bit more or a bit less; the most important thing is that all the major points are addressed.

II. Major Parts of the Thesis or Dissertation Proposal

III. Tips For Preparing the Dissertation Proposal

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