How To Write a Great Self-Assessment


The professional field is becoming more and more competitive with each passing year. As a result of this, prospective employers are forced to seek employees that possess the precise mix of talents, personality, and drive that fits like a well-oiled cog within the business machine.

But how can employers be sure that the employee candidate they choose has that precise mix? If they can't be sure, today's ultra-competitive business environment often forces them to pass on that potential candidate. Even more tragic is that the candidate may indeed have had the mix the company was looking for, but he or she just could not convey that fact.

How do we prevent situations like this from occurring over and over again? The answer is the self-assessment. Completing a self-assessment not only helps a potential employer to recognize your talents, it will also help you to better understand which career path you should choose in order to find a fit for those particular talents.

Self-Assessment Formats

The term self-assessment encompasses many different formats. While the goal of the self-assessment always remains the same, the following is a list of formats that have become popular.

Areas to Consider

The following is a list of areas that anyone writing a self-assessment should take into consideration during the writing process. While this list is in no way exhaustive, it provides a strong backbone through which a solid self-assessment can be constructed.

- Analysis - Observation - Improvisation
- Problem Solving - Evaluation - Coordination
- Planning - Supervising - Organization
- Listening - Delegation - Writing
- Motivation - Speaking - Coaching

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