"... I Always Re-Write It"

Hi Mica! How did you find our custom research paper writing services?

I needed help with an essay because I was short for time one week and did not want to be penalised for handing nothing in to my tutor at university. I did a search on the internet and found a number of academic sites which I did look at and some of which I used a few times. I decided to try your custom paper writing service because you offer individual price quotes rather than a set price for different types of essay or term paper. Some of my friends had used your services and recommended I try you. I also had a few problems with other sites delivering custom papers on time and found you to be reliable and punctual.

How long have you been using our essay writing services?

I have been using custompapers.com for over two years now and have never had a problem with punctuality or issues such as plagiarism. I am prepared to pay a little more for the papers because I know that they are custom written to suit my requirements, rather than simply copied from other papers or websites.

Why do you use the help of academic custom paper writers?

Sometimes I find a subject too difficult to know exactly how to structure the essay and I find that using custompapers.com helps me to look at the essay that you write and then alter it and add my own opinions and other research or sources I may have found. Other times it is simply due to the demands of student life which doesn't just involve studying, but also working to pay my bills which leave me little time to do the essay. I know it seems ironic that I work and then pay for a paper but it is definitely worth it and gives me a rest from stressing about finding source material and structuring the essay.

Do you feel that it is ethical for you to use our essay writing and editing services?

I do sometimes feel a bit cheeky getting help from your services, but I never just hand in an essay you have written, I always re-write it and add to it because then it is written by me. I use custompapers.com as a guideline and then make the essay my own. Also if I get help for a few essays throughout my course it is ethical because at the end of the day I have to learn the material and take the final exams. I often see people studying in groups and sharing ideas and I do not see any difference between that and using your services. You help me to gain ideas for a paper which I then expand rather like what happens in a study group.

Which aspects of CustomPapers.com do you particularly like?

Well I like the fact that each paper has an individual price quote and that you only accept a paper if you know you can fulfil all the requirements. I also like the fact that I can choose the standard of English I want whether excellent, good or fair so that the essay is more reflective of my essay style. I think the communication between the writer and myself is always good and I can email with any additional points or the writer can email me with any questions they have about the paper I want written. I feel that I can trust your writers' abilities because in the past all my grades have been good and my tutor has never questioned me about a paper I have bought from custompapers.com. I think this is because you always write custom papers and do not plagiarise and then I often re-write the essay so I can be certain there is no plagiarism happening.

Thank you for your answers!

You're always welcome.

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