What Does our Essay Research and Writing Guarantee Mean to You?
CustomPapers.com is confident of your satisfaction for several reasons:
- The academic contract/freelance writers at Custom Papers prefer to work only in fields in which they have academic training. In addition, the writers are expected to have access to online library databases and access to offline sites as well. It's now possible to do a lot of your work from the Internet; however, there are many times when the writer must go to the library, museum, or other source to complete the assignment properly. At other web sites there is nothing in place that guarantees the writers will have access to the sources needed.
- The cost of your paper, essay, or dissertation is comparable to the assignment requested and you are never charged more than your original quote unless the paper specifications have been radically changed. It is important to note that for CustomPapers.com, the price is not as important as the overall satisfaction of our clients.
- Projects are assigned at Custom Papers through a bidding process which helps keep our prices fair while ensuring that contracted writers receive a competitive rate per page. Various writers bid on your project, after several bids come in, a project coordinator will determine who is best qualified to write the paper, and assign your project to them. At other sites, your paper is taken over by whoever requests it first with no guarantee that the writer is competent in your field or even fluent in English. Once our writer agrees to the terms of the assignment, CustomPapers.com provides the client with the assigned writer's email address and the two parties can keep in contact with each other. If the writer has questions, he/she can then email the client and vice versa, this works especially well with clients who need custom research papers, theses, or dissertations written.
- Also, when receiving the quote on the cost of your custom essay or term paper, the cost is based on your specific assignment. Unlike other sites that set a flat rate based on nothing more than when your need your essay, at CustomPapers.com you will never be asked to pay more than your paper is worth.
- Finally, and most importantly, the freelance writers who have an account with CustomPapers.com do not receive their compensation if a project fails to meet the CustomPapers.com guarantee. If a client receives a model paper that does not meet their initial specifications or is plagiarized then the contracted writer will work with the client until those specifications are met.