Strategies for Meeting Deadlines for Essays


Douglas Adams stated, "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Deadlines are something most of all strive to make but some of us fail to meet them. This is especially true for college essays and term papers. The instructor sets the date and yet many students have trouble making it. Why is this? One reason is most college students are not only going to classes but they have full-time or part-time jobs. Many students have husband/wives and children. Here are some tips for meeting deadlines for custom essays and term papers.

If the essay is due in two weeks begin the first day by selecting the topic. Brainstorm any information you may know about the topic. Write down any thing relevant to the topic.

A couple of days later begin the research. Sometimes research may take a couple of days so set a short-term goal of having the research done the first four to five days after the assignment. Check the library for books or magazines on the topic. Check the Internet for main points about the topic. During this time write note cards listing specific quotations that can be used as you write the paper. Be sure to keep the information for documenting in the quotation.

The fifth to seventh day make an outline with thesis statement and main points. Do you have enough information to write the rough draft of the paper? Do you need more research? Go back to the library for more information if needed. Check the Internet for more information. Write more note cards as needed. On the sixth to eighth day write a rough draft of the essay.

While writing the rough draft use the outline to help you and the note cards with quotations. Begin the first paragraph of your essay with a hook. Did you hear a funny story while reading about the topic? Can this be used as an anecdote for the topic? What about any statistics or facts about the topic? Could these be used as a hook? Find something that will grab the attention of the reader because the first paragraph is the most important paragraph. Take a little longer writing the first paragraph of your essay if needed.

During the sixth to eighth day finish writing the rest of the rough draft. Put this rough draft up. Do not even think about it for at least a day.

On the ninth to tenth day spend time revising the essay. Read it out loud. Listen to any spelling or grammar errors. Do you have a main topic sentence for each paragraph that supports the thesis? Have you used transitions between paragraphs? Do you have any fragments? Are all the sentences clear and precise? Make corrections. Put the essay or research paper away until the tenth day.

On the tenth day ask a friend to read the essay. Let your friend have 24 hours to read the essay. Encourage the reader to make suggestions and corrections as needed. Make corrections as needed.

On the 11th or 12th day check for grammar and spelling errors again. Are you pleased with the thesis statement? Do you believe it is a complete thesis statement? Have you supported the thesis? Have you written a conclusion that will give the reader some type of take-away value with them? Make any last minute corrections.

On the 13th or 14th day turn in the completed college essay. Following this type of plan will give you a day or two for any types of emergencies. The best way to meet deadlines is to start working on the essay early and work on it almost every other day until it is completed. This schedule is great if you have two weeks but if your essay is due in two days. How can you schedule it so you will meet the deadline for your class?

If you have two days begin that evening after classes and work to create the essay. Spend a few minutes selecting the topic. What do you know about the topic? The next step is researching it. If possible, check the Internet for any information on the topic. Use note cards to write down quotes and document sources. Write the rough draft. Now this means that in one night you are going to have to select the topic, brainstorm the information you know, research the topic, and write a rough draft. That seems like a lot but actually you can achieve most of this in an hour's time if you work consistently.

The next day is the time to revise. Check for any spelling errors or grammar mistakes. Read the essay out loud. Do you have any fragments? Do you have a complete thesis statement? Have your supported the thesis statement?

Ask a friend to proofread the essay for you. Ask him/her to do it then if possible. Take the corrections and make changes in the essay. Make sure that you have the completed essay so it will be ready to turn in the next day.

Meeting deadlines in writing essays begins with selecting the topic. Spend time researching and writing note cards. Write an outline and then a rough draft. Do the revisions. Most of this can easily be done in a couple of days if the essay is short. However, longer (and custom written) term papers take more time.

The problem many students have is procrastination. They think they can wait until later to get the essay completed and emergencies happen. Procrastination is the worse enemy of students and employees. We think we have time and wham there is no time. The best advice in meeting this is to start right away.

Begin writing the day the assignment is given. Select your topic and get it approved by the instructor. Take time to research the topic as soon as possible. Getting these two steps completed will help if something does come up. Taking time to write a rough draft and revision takes less time than deciding what topic and researching. Begin early and it will allow more time if needed.

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