Quotations are great devices to put that extra "something" into the essay. They make great hooks or attention-grabbers. They are great ways to provide evidence for a thesis statement or premises. Quotations can make a difference in an essay or a term paper. Quotations are great hooks. They can grab the interest of the reader and motivate the reader to continue reading. Look at the following examples:
"One out of five students are overweight or obese," according to the National Board of Education.
"Ninety-nine percent of all bottled water has only been filtered," according to the FDA.
"One out of a hundred women will die with breast cancer," according to the National Cancer Society.
Reading these statistics will grab the attention of the reader. Not only are the statistics important, but where the statistics come from make a difference to the reader.
Quotations are great for as evidence to support a thesis statement or premises. If the thesis statement was:
Children are becoming more overweight, which can lead to serious health problems.
Quotations about obesity and health problems by professionals would support the thesis statement.
Often quotations are used in persuasive essays to support the argument made by the writer. Having the right quotations will make a difference in whether the reader will agree with the argument presented.
It is important to use quotations, but never use too many quotations. Let the essay be about what you think and not just a bunch of quotations about what others think and feel. Be sure to cite where the quotations came. It is plagiarism to use someone's words without giving them credit.
Quotations can be used to add humor to an essay. The Internet is full of web pages with quotations from famous people. These can be fun to use and often capture the attention of the reader. There are quotations for almost any topic. Consider the humor of this joke,
"The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him," Robert Benchley stated.
Ralph Waldo Emerson made the following comment about using quotations,
"I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
Another humorous quote about writing by Fred Allen,
"Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted."
Quotations can add humor or make a point stand out in a way that grabs the reader's attention and keeps him wanting to know more. For instance, if you are writing an essay about writing and you want to grab the reader's attention, the following quote might do it.
"Every writer is a frustrated actor who recites his lines in the hidden auditorium of his skull," stated Rod Serling.
Quotations are great for adding evidence to an essay. They are great hooks and they can add humor to an essay. Quotations are a great way to make a difference in a custom-written essay or academic research paper.
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