Most high school students struggle in writing a good college entrance essay. Even college graduates who are ready for the next step into graduate school struggle with writing college entrance essays into graduate school. Here are a few tips for writing a great college entrance essay.
Begin by asking the question "Is the admission team asking a specific question?" Always read all the instructions before beginning the essay. The admission team wants to know about you as a student and as an individual. Brainstorm for ideas about the question the application has asked. What are your future goals? Why does the topic appeal to you? Think about how to convince the admission team that you will make a successful student at their college. Choose a topic that makes you excited and that will show your academic ability. Remember your goal is to impress the academic team with your ability to write custom essays and show them your ability to think critically.
The first paragraph is the most important paragraph in the essay with the conclusion being the second most important paragraph. A hook is needed in every high-school or college essay written. What is a hook? It is an attention-getter that grabs the interest of the reader. Do you have a funny anecdote? Do you have a statistic that applies to your life? Another part of the first paragraph is a thesis statement. What do you plan to tell the readers? Why is this important? Create a thesis statement that will read as a roadmap convincing the admission team that you will be a successful college student. Have one idea that will be the focus in the thesis statement and this one idea will be shown throughout the essay. Spend most of your time on writing this first paragraph concentrating on the hook and the thesis statement.
Each body paragraph should begin with a main point that relates to the thesis statement. Be yourself throughout the essay. Show the readers that you know your topic and can relate each paragraph with clear prose that reflects back to the thesis. Try to be original. Use active verbs and descriptive nouns. Use transitions to connect one paragraph to the next. Support each main point and show how they relate to the thesis. Use concrete examples to support these main points. It is important to keep the reader's interest once it is gained by the hook.
While the introductory paragraph is the most important part of the essay, the second most important paragraph is the conclusion. Some students make the mistake of summing the entrance essay up into two or three sentences. This is wrong. The conclusion is the last chance to convince the reader or impress the reader. Never tell the reader that it is the conclusion. It is important to leave a take-away value such as a question or quotation that encourages the reader to think about what has been said and its importance.
The next step is to ask someone to read the essay. Ask the person to make corrections as needed. Ask the person if the essay is interesting. Does it grab the reader's attention? Ask the individual to make comments about the college entrance essay such as does it have active verbs or does it use transitions.
Next, go through and make the suggested changes. Take time to read the essay out loud. This often shows mistakes in grammar and spelling. Check for the correct use of punctuation such as commas or question marks. Check the correct spelling of any words that might be misspelled. Remember the importance of revising. It is suggested to revise at least three times. Following these steps will help you create a great college entrance essay.
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