Ways of Planning a Speech... So You Don't Have to Panic


The foundation of any speech lies in the language and content of what the writer/speaker is trying to convey. Like with any other paper, a writer has to make sure their speech has clarity so that their audience understand what it is about. In developing a good speech you must first outline what are the most important elements to your dialogue.


How to apply make-up?

1. Eyes
a. Choosing the right colors
b. Learning to blend
2. Cheeks
a. Using two colors
b. Shading to look natural
3. Lips
a. Should you use a liner?
b. Applying gloss

Your speech should have a good introduction, a main body and a conclusion that sums up what you are communicating. Once you compose the speech outline you need to decide how you will present. Do you feel comfortable reading a speech verbatim? Many presenters find that it is easier for them to condense their written speech and use index cards.

Your cards might look like this:


What colors and why?
Talk about blending.


Why use two colors?


Use a liner?
How to apply gloss.

Visual Aids

Many presenters use visual aids to help them demonstrate their objectives. Posters, pictures and power point are some of the most popular forms of visuals used. If any of these visuals are incorporated, the right timing is necessary to ensure the flow of the speech and to keep the interest of the audience. Often speakers will use slides to enhance their speech. At varying intervals they will click a remote control that allows them to change slides so they can flick through a pre-organized selection of visuals while they speak. Posters and pictures can be assembled before hand, and all visuals can be referenced during the presentation to further enhance certain details.

What to Wear

If you are giving a Eulogy you would not want to be wearing Jeans and a halter top. Just as if you were speaking in court you would probably not want to wear a flashy or sexy outfit. Humans by nature develop a first impression of you by how you look. So, you do want to dress appropriately. For example, if your audience is a group of older businessmen you might want to wear office clothing. If you are appealing to a younger crowd, maybe something more "trendy" would be good. It is important to plan ahead what you will be wearing so you will feel comfortable and not look out of place.

Things to Consider

A little preparation can save a lot of embarrassment. If you are prone to a dry throat or know you will be speaking for some time, bring a bottle of water or stuff your pocket with cough drops. Wear comfortable clothes. Don't wear shoes that are hard to walk in. Remember to consider any special needs you may have and make prior arrangements.


Emotions can be used to stir a crowd. Most of us have experienced the agony of a monotone speaker at one point. You want to use enough emotion to captivate your audience and keep their interest without going overboard. This is where practice will come in handy. Grab your partner, sibling, friend or anyone who will listen and practice giving your speech (as many times as they will let you), in front of them. If you have no one to practice with, stand in front of a mirror and rehearse until the presentation becomes almost second nature. The best presenters practice their speech many times before they confer it to their audience. Giving a good speech requires preparation so that the speaker performs smoothly and feels comfortable in doing so.

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